Book Cataloger - Home 参考:http://bookcataloger.codeplex.com/
Project DescriptionGoals: The application should be able to store book data. The stored data should be kept up-to-date and complete using Amazon web services. User should be able to add comments to books.
News15/01/2010 You can follow Book Cataloger on Twitter: @http://twitter.com/bookcataloger More up-to-date information, more details. 07/12/2009 Basic documentation page created. Codebetter.com has a build server for opensource projects. Now I set up a project on that CI server, so you can get the latest build of Book Cataloger from there. You can find a Zip under Artifacts after signing in at http://teamcity.codebetter.com/
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GoalsCreate a book cataloger application using contemporary technology:
- .NET Framework 3.5
- Windows Presentation Foundation
- Microsoft Office Ribbon
- AvalonDock docking library
- NHibernate
- SQLite
- NUnit
- Windows Vista/7 UI support
The application should be able to store book data. The stored data should be kept up-to-date and complete using Amazon web services. User should be able to add comments to books.