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MapWindow 4 - Home


MapWindow 4.8

The MapWindow GIS Project and software development team is focused on creating tools and technologies for GIS end users and programmers that are licensed under free and open source software licenses. The main project web site for the broader MapWindow project is here: http://www.MapWindow.org.

The current release of MapWindow 4.8 can be downloaded here: http://mapwindow4.codeplex.com/releases. This release includes a revised/updated graphical user interface and a large number of bug fixes. We're very pleased with it and hope you will be too.  For more information and documentation for this software visit: http://www.mapwindow.org/apps/wiki/doku.php?id=mapwindow4 


MapWindow 4.9

This CodePlex site will be the home of MapWindow v4.9.
MapWindow is started in 2003 and the code needs a good clean-up and the GUI and user-experience needs to be modernized to reflect the opportunities the second decade of this century will give.

The final version of MapWindow 4.8 is available since November 4, 2011. Support on that version will continue by releasing service packs every 3 months or so.
For v4.9 we should start all over. Moving to .NET v4 and C#. In the last years a lot of functionality has been moved from VB.NET/C# libraries to the C++ ActiveX Control (MapWinGIS). This has improved MapWindow enormously in both user-experience and performance. We thank Sergei for doing all this.

On the issue tracker (http://mapwindow4.codeplex.com/workitem/list/basic) we've started discussions about how v4.9 should look like and how it should work. Please join the discussions.
When we agree on a topic we'll move the outcome to the documentation section (http://mapwindow4.codeplex.com/documentation). Step by step we will create the new architecture of MapWindow v4.9 and make it more robust en reliable.
Prototype can be made to show parts in action. Sergei is already working on a GMap implementation (http://greatmaps.codeplex.com) to support tiles.

We're now in the process of creating a architecture team. Please join us if you can. After the architecture is ready we'll start with the development, we need developers for that team as well. And of course we need testers and people that will write the documentation.

Final note: MapWindow 4.9 will not be fully 100% backwards compatible with older versions. Several optimizations are planned which will break existing code. We will, of course, create migration tools, but existing applications and plug-in will most likely need to be partially rewritten.


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